


Delayed Cancer Screenings – Epic Health Research Network
EHR data show a recent abrupt drop – between 86% and 94% – in preventive cancer screenings performed across the United States, presumably due to access disruptions caused by COVID-19. This study compares the number of screenings for cervical, colon, and breast cancer completed each week in 2020 to the average number of screenings completed during equivalent weeks from 2017–2019. The data set includes 2.7 million patient records from 39 organizations that represent 190 hospitals spanning 23 states.

190病院(39組織、23州) のEHRデータから、COVID-19でのがん検診の件数変化を見たとのこと。86~94%の落ち込みだったらしい。このような傾向が続けば、がんの診断ができなかったり、進行してから診断されたりするような影響が出てくる可能性が指摘されている。
