
Fitbitの企業向けサービスが集約化されFitbit Group Healthに

Fitbit, Inc. - Fitbit Introduces “Fitbit Group Health” for Corporate Wellness, Weight Management Programs, Insurers and Clinical Research


Fitbit Group Health provides software and services across four categories:
  • Corporate Wellness: For the last six years, Fitbit has empowered people in the workplace to lead healthier, more active lives by providing the technology and services that help organizations

Fitbit: Employers 2.0: Wellness Programs and Incentive Tools - 医療、福祉に貢献するために

  • Weight Management: Partnerships with Fitbit allow weight management leaders to use Fitbit data and technology to engage with their program participants in new ways.
体重管理は、Weights Watchersのような有名なサービスとFitbitのデータを連携できるようにしているらしい。
  • InsuranceFitbit partners with leading health insurers, such as Anthem, Premera Blue Cross, Humana Vitality and Optum/Unitedas part of health and wellness incentives, as well as condition care programs for health plan members. Additionally, Fitbit has helped innovative life insurance companies such as John Hancock in the US and Sompo in Japan which is initially piloting a staff wellness initiative using Fitbit trackers, and is in discussions for a potential future program for its members.
  • Health ResearchFitbit has been used in over 100 research studies to date with academic research institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. Most recently, the company announced a partnership with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to support a study that looks at the impact of physical activity and weight loss on breast cancer recurrence by having study participants track their activity and weight loss to share with health coaches using Fitbit Charge HR activity trackers, Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale, and a subscription to FitStar by Fitbit.

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